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Tuesday, 31 March 2015


ONLINE YOUTH ENTREPRENEURS: This is the year 2015 and many young people don’t have a job. These young people age from 18-25. The news is that many people are losing their job. However, many new jobs are being made available to counter the ones lost. These new jobs are rapidly popping up in the IT Industry-online. But the sad news is that many young people only used the internet as social media to converse, while ignoring the business aspect of such booming sector. Now, having one hundred thousand followers on Twitter and five thousand friends on Facebook are good. However, young people, if you had a service or product to offer to all those people, it would be great. Because many of those persons would perhaps become customers or potential customers. Businesses are changing their focus from being brick and martyr and going technology wise. This is where the future of businesses is going and young people with bright ideas need to become more creature and start making money from the internet. Start making quick money while doing your blog @

YOU MIGHT BE SAYING HOW                                            
There are a lot of ways to make money from the internet. I will take you through them step-by-step. This is what I am currently doing. But, before you start, it takes hard work and a dedicated work ethics. I am going to explain how Google Blog and Google Adsense work on this first post.

Step-by-step action:
1.       Create a Gmail (email) account with Google at
2.       After creating your email, go to the APPS Icon. It has a total of 9 dots. Located on the top right           hand   corner of the page. The Icon look like this ⁞⁞⁞  
3.       Go to Blogger in your browser.
4.       Set up your blog.
5.       Start writing and posting to your blogs. This should be mostly words, in order to get the adsense        account. Adsense account will allow you to make money from ads that are place on your blog              page.  Please see my blog @
6.      Within your blog, click on “Go To Post List” that look like a writing pad leave.
7.      Click on Earnings and apply for your Adsense account.
8.      After signing up, wait for approval. If it is not approve the first time then try again. Write more content and your content should be solid. Limited picture for now.

1.        Make money by just taking pictures @ 
2.         Take a survey and earn a living @
      3.        Work from home, within your space @

Thursday, 26 March 2015

The River That Kills 

This river is call the Negro river. This river is located under the footing of Blue Mountain and serve a population of about 30, 000 plus users. Many other rivers/tributes join into this river.  As a young man growing up, my granny would say to me, " don't go to the river at night." She stressed on the coldness of the water-and the name of the river. I remember some shacking deaths that occur along the path of this river. When this river taking water, it spread beyond the imagination of the people and everything in its path it take or destroy. It has a rolling motion like a plowing tractor, is sounds echoes as stones and water wrestle their way down the stream with dirt and trees moving along.
Many houses have been damaged, people families have been pulled apart and some leave mourning loss. For the many who are still living on the banks of the river, have to continually keep in thought the weather at all time. Because the river have so many adjoining tributes, it has might in its water force.

This is some of the ravage that the river leave behind after passing through Trinityville. Also, there are no river training along the river. And what I see so far, is that, only where the road are affected badly and it has become impossible to are access are fixed. The NGOs in the community are playing part their re the protection environment, the improvement and education of the people. They have embarked on projects, ranging from water implementation, reforestation and agro-cultivation. Some of this damage also arise from the bad farming practices in high mountains. Many of whom are trying to earn economically, in order to sustain family. There are not enough factories or businesses to sustain the labour force with the area. This is question I would like to ask, What else are there for us to do?

We are paying taxes and we need some answer. Some of the government agencies are not performing as we would like them to. The community would want them to do more. We getting limited services from some of the offices of government. We call on able person to assist.

Friday, 20 March 2015

Prayer Changes Things
A Touch From God Makes The Difference. 

This book gives a true account of my life story. It holds the testimony of victories, challenges, setbacks and come backs from the point of death. The LORD delivered me from death after persons tried killing me numerous times with demons. They have sprinkled my clothes, books and home. In addition, they have set their gin and snares, but nevertheless, the LORD delivered me.

The LORD work all thing for good in my life as I apply the words of God and the tactics learned throughout the period of warfares. I increased in spiritual knowledge, understanding and my discerning abilities also increased with sharpness and dynamics. 

The challenges were harsh and the blows were constant. However, this had made me into a more determine person, but I was stretched in areas that had repeated trials. Through the mercies and the grace of God I was able to make it.

Special attention was given to me in prayer meetings and at various location at cottage services. I was also surrounded by strong spiritual persons whose mission is to fight against Satan and his hosts. My break though came after intense praying, fasting and mediation. 

Youth …
Expedite and Hasten the Cause to
Care the Environment

Our Environment includes our surroundings, conditions or circumstances of living according to the Oxford Pocket Dictionary of Current English – 7th Edition, 1986

then God said: 
I give you every seed –bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground – every thing that has breath of life in it – I give every green plant for food.
Genesis 1 vs. 29, 30
Our Natural Resources
Jamaica’s natural resources fundamentally fall under three (3) broad categories.
 These are:
Our Land
Total agricultural land in Jamaica is 449,493 hectares of which only 273,229 hectares is active, leaving 115,242 hectares of land inactive
(Tropical Farmers Almanac 2004, Patrick Maitland.)
_____1.Agricultural Production
üJamaica’s 3rd main economic activity
üProvide income for the country and producer
ü Provide food for Jamaicans
üHas accrued an income of 224 million US$ in the year 2000,(Tropical Farmers Almanac 2004) from export.
 üSome of our traditional export crops include coffee, banana and sugar and all these crops have been praised for their wonderful taste and high quality. 
2. Bauxite Mining
üSoils of Jamaica are mainly limestone
üAged and weathered into a red clay containing bauxite.
übegan in the 1940’s
üOne of the most important minerals extracted and exported.
üAluminum is derived and is a very important metal in the manufacturing sector.
üBauxite mining is the 2nd main economic activity in Jamaica
üaccrued 726 million US$ from export in 2000
ü(Zadie Nufeville – Environment – Jamaica document 2001). 

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Three week mission for Jesus Christ 20/2/2015-14/3/3/2015

The first week on the crusade mission in Shrewberry, Portland was great. It was fill with many outstanding acts by God. Minister U. Smith preached for the first three nights and God used him mightily. The community seem to have a culture practice of pocco, revival and other movement within the area. And base on what was said by the people and what was done the true religion now being expose to them.

10 persons got baptized. However,  a lot more persons got saved throughout the three weeks of crusade. Some of them are backsliders and some still undecided if they should get baptized now. We are currently working with them.

Make a living from taking pictures @
make money from home @

Take a survey and earn a living @
make money with your blog @